Lipidomic analyses of NSC-34 cells that stably express hPGRN compared to PGRN knockdown cells showing overall stability of the major lipid classes between the two treatments. (A) There are no differences in quantitatively dominant lipid classes in NSC-34/shPGRN versus NSC-34/hPGRN cells. PGRN depletion is associated with increases in quantitatively minor lipid components including specific members of (B) the Phosphatidic acids (insert showing the structure of Dimyristoyl phosphatidic acid), (C) the ceramides (Cer 34:1, Cer 42:2), and (D) cholesterol esters (CE18:1,CE22:6) (PA, Phosphatidic acids; PC, Glycerophosphocholines; PE, Glycerophosphoethanolamines; PG, Glycerophosphoglycerols; PI, Glycerophosphoinositols; PS, Glycerophosphoserines; SM, Sphingomeylins; Cer, Ceramides; CE, cholesterol esters).