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. 2021 Dec 10;2021(1):143-152. doi: 10.1182/hematology.2021000245

Table 2.

Frequency of PNH in AA compared with inherited bone marrow failure disorders

Study Year Population Study design Disease: number of patients PNH testing method Frequency of PNH clones Comparison
DeZern et al26 2014 JHU cohort Retrospective AA: n = 132
IBMF: n = 20
Flow cytometry on peripheral blood (sensitivity range >0.01%-0.1%) AA: 61 of 132 (46%)
IBMF: 0 of 20 (0%)
• PPV for AA: 100%
• NPV for AA: 54%
Shah et al8 2021 Penn/CHOP cohort Retrospective AA: n = 126
Inherited: n = 9
Other: n = 13
Flow cytometry on peripheral blood (sensitivity range >0.01%-1%) AA: 58 of 126 (46%)
Inherited and other:
0 of 22 (0%)
• AA vs IBMF, OR 11.10, P < .05
• AA vs all inherited disorders including IBMF, OR 16.23, P < .05
• AA vs all non-AA, non-PNH, OR 38.43, P < .05
• PPV for AA vs IBMF: 100%
• NPV for AA vs IBMF: 48.5%
Keller et al27 2002 Camp Sunshine SDS cohort Retrospective n = 28 Flow cytometry on peripheral blood (PNH clones >1%) 0 of 28 patients (0%) NA
Kennedy et al28 2014 SDS cohort Retrospective SDS: n = 99
SDS-like: n = 11
Targeted, error-corrected sequencing of PIGA in bone marrow (>0.1% VAF) 0 of 110 patients with PIGA mutations (0%) NA

IBMF, inherited bone marrow failure; Inherited, inherited hematologic disorders; JHU, Johns Hopkins University; NA, not applicable; NPV, negative predictive value; OR, odds ratio; Penn/CHOP, University of Pennsylvania/Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; PPV, positive predictive value; VAF, variant allele fraction.