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. 2022 Jan 26;17(1):e0261449. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261449

Table 1. Mean comparisons of short- and long-term school absence (%) and related absence categories (%).

Short-term absence: Total absence (%) Absence due to illness (%) Excused absence (%) Non-excused absence (%)
Variable Group (n) M (SD) t / F M diff. CI M (SD) t / F M diff. CI M (SD) t / F M diff. CI M (SD) t / F M diff. CI
Sex Males (92) 33.35 (25.69) -.880 -12.29, 4.72 56.58 (37.32) -.036 -12.96, 12.50 13.01 (23.13) -.870 -13.00, 5.08 27.15 (33.23) .763 -6.78, 15.32
Females (60) 37.14 (26.31) 56.81 (41.01) 16.97 (29.93) 22.88 (34.44)
Age (years) 6–12 (74) 31.69 (24.47) -1.468 -14.43, 2.13 58.95 (37.04) .704 -8.00, 16.85 16.65 (27.38) .957 -4.30, 12.38 21.70 (29.74) -1.352 -18.03, 3.38
13–17 (78) 37.84 (27.04) 54.52 (40.31) 12.61 (24.64) 29.03 (36.84)
Mental health problem, Y No (112) 33.71 (24.02) -0.808 -15.08, 6.40 56.24 (38.46) -0.230 -15.77, 12.48 14.35 (25.84) -0.182 -10.37, 8.62 27.63 (34.70) 1.331 -3.99, 20.45
Yes (40) 38.04 (30.73) 57.88 (39.79) 15.22 (26.76) 19.40 (30.16)
Mental health problem, P No (102) 31.50 (24.44) -2.304* -18.88, -1.45 57.15 (39.17) 0.214 -11.81, 14.67 15.75 (27.46) 0.794 -5.31, 12.45 24.16 (33.45) -0.677 -15.45, 7.56
Yes (50) 41.67 (27.72) 55.71 (38.05) 12.18 (22.82) 28.11 (34.27)
Living with both parents No (68) 38.38 (24.68) 1.520 -1.92, 14.72 52.91 (37.96) -1.079 -19.27, 5.66 10.74 (19.83) -1.714 -14.94, 1.06 33.40 (34.92) 2.670** 3.74, 25.01
Yes (84) 31.98 (26.68) 59.72 (39.23) 17.68 (29.85) 19.03 (31.36)
Mothers level of education (years) 0–10 (8) 35.42 (23.57) 0.907 41.87 (38.73) 2.436 18.74 (20.50) 0.144 39.39 (25.84) 1.130
11–15 (105) 36.59 (25.97) 61.20 (37.50) 14.70 (27.22) 23.15 (32.86)
16–20 (39) 30.04 (26.26) 47.54 (40.43) 13.38 (24.00) 28.83 (36.84)
Fathers level of education (years) 0–10 (26) 37.95 (24.59) 0.276 45.79 (40.61) 1.278 7.89 (14.31) 1.408 42.48 (37.26) 5.248**
11–15 (87) 34.71 (26.19) 58.33 (37.41) 14.64 (25.93) 24.73 (33.38)
16–20 (39) 33.08 (26.63) 60.23 (39.95) 18.90 (31.31) 15.74 (27.78)
Long-term absence: Total absence (%) Absence due to illness (%) Excused absence (%) Non-excused absence (%)
Sex Males (92) 23.01 (16.16) -.550 -6.72, 3.80 57.99 (32.28) -.321 -12.78, 9.20 16.06 (20.69) .183 -6.32, 7.61 24.86 (29.29) .343 -8.20, 11.65
Females (60) 24.48 (15.86) 59.78 (35.36) 15.42 (22.04) 23.14 (31.70)
Age (years) 6–12 (74) 20.06 (12.80) -2.725** -11.86, -1.89 63.01 (32.19) 1.555 -2.27, 19.06 16.62 (21.77) .461 -5.21, 8.39 19.02 (26.38) -2.088* -19.57, -0.54
13–17 (78) 26.94 (18.00) 54.61 (34.26) 15.03 (20.68) 29.08 (32.80)
Mental health problem, Y No (112) 21.53 (14.14) -2.335** -14.53, -1.11 59.11 (32.77) 0.251 -10.65, 13.76 15.63 (20.87) -0.176 -8.41, 7.04 24.38 (30.18) 0.133 -10.28, 11.76
Yes (40) 29.35 (19.42) 57.55 (35.60) 16.31 (22.23) 23.64 (30.52)
Mental health problem, P No (102) 20.53 (13.25) -3.079** -15.30, -3.28 59.41 (33.03) 0.372 -9.28, 13.59 17.47 (22.66) 1.521 -1.53, 11.67 22.14 (28.73) -1.192 -16.48, 4.08
Yes (50) 29.82 (19.20) 57.25 (34.51) 12.40 (17.43) 28.34 (32.83)
Living with both parents No (68) 26.29 (14.82) 1.885 -0.23, 10.00 53.97 (33.94) -1.576 -19.27, 2.17 11.63 (14.21) -2.341* -13.94, -1.17 32.93 (33.23) 3.231** 6.13, 25.52
Yes (84) 21.40 (16.68) 62.52 (32.70) 19.19 (25.02) 17.10 (25.52)
Mothers level of education (years) 0–10 (8) 27.63 (17.43) 2.420 43.17 (30.71) 3.008 17.13 (12.89) 0.447 39.69 (26.90) 1.344
11–15 (105) 25.03 (16.08) 62.97 (32.64) 14.73 (21.08) 22.30 (29.90)
16–20 (39) 18.87 (14.92) 50.37 (34.30) 18.43 (22.85) 26.07 (31.20)
Fathers level of education (years) 0–10 (26) 28.88 (15.28) 1.736 48.66 (35.15) 1.497 9.08 (11.03) 4.128* 42.26 (34.16) 7.062**
11–15 (87) 22.43 (15.64) 61.53 (32.06) 14.44 (18.77) 22.88 (29.00)
16–20 (39) 22.65 (16.96) 59.06 (34.83) 23.34 (28.44) 15.04 (25.18)

Note: Y: Youths, P: Parents, M: Mean. SD: Standard Deviation. M diff. CI = Mean difference confidence intervals (95%). t: t-value from independent samples t-test, F: F-value from One-way ANOVA.

* p < .05 level (2-tailed).

** p < .01 level (2-tailed).