Extended Data Fig. 7. The relationship between tumour immune microenvironment and response.
a, PCA analysis on the abundance of tumour immune microenvironment components obtained through the deconvolution of RNA-seq data using Danaher’s immune signatures (number of cases (n): pCR (green) = 39, RD (orange) = 110). b, c, Box plots showing associations between response and (b) Danaher immune cell enrichment and (c) MCPcounter immune cell enrichment across ER/HER subtypes. The box bounds the interquartile range divided by the median, with the whiskers extending to a maximum of 1.5 times the interquartile range beyond the box. Outliers are shown as dots. Two-tailed Wilcoxon rank sum tests. Number of cases (n): ER-HER2-: 37, ER+HER2-: 57, HER2+: 55. d, Heatmap showing unsupervised clustering of cancer immunity parameters across n = 149 cases with RNA sequencing data. e, Scatter plot showing association between computationally derived lymphocyte density and immune cell enrichment using Danaher’s immune signatures across n = 147 cases with digital pathology and RNA sequencing data. Pearson’s product-moment correlations (R) shown. The shaded area, in grey, represents the 95% confidence interval. f, 2D density plot validating relationship between GGI and STAT1 GSVA across RCB subgroups in two external microarray gene sets comprising 457 cases.