Fig. 2. Dark-field images of coronal sections showing diverse laminar termination patterns and optical density ratios of intracortical axonal projections.
a Left. Representative termination patterns of the V1 → AL (top) and AL → V1 (bottom) pathways. Right. Histograms showing the distribution of pixel values in L1 (yellow) and L2-4 (blue) in the corresponding dark-field images. Only pixels within 70% of the highest pixel value were included for analyses, and plotted after subtraction of background intensity. Note the overall brighter pixels in L2-4 in the feedforward (FF) V1 → AL pathway (p < 10−16, K-S test) and the overall higher pixel values in L1 in the feedback (FB) AL → V1 pathway (p < 10−16, K-S test). Top inset. Diagram of an injection into V1 and the anterogradely labeled V1 → AL pathway (arrow). b. Laminar termination patterns of FF axonal projections in each higher visual area after injection of BDA into V1. The ratio of the average optical density of axonal projections in L2-4 to that in L1 + L2-4 (optical density ratio, ODR) for each pattern is presented in the respective panel. c. Laminar termination patterns of FB projections in V1 after injection of BDA into each of the nine higher visual areas. One injection was performed in each animal. The ODR for each pattern is indicated in the corresponding panel. Arrowhead in the AM → V1 panel demarcates the boundary between V1 and PM. d. Nine representative examples of higher visual cortico-cortical laminar termination patterns, for injections of BDA performed in areas P, AL, and AM. The ODR for each pattern is presented in each panel. Arrowheads in the P → LI, AL → LI, and AM → LI panels demarcate the boundaries of LI used for analysis. Scale bars (a–d), 200 µm.