Figure 9.
Persistence of phenotypic variables
(A) An illustration of the normalized cumulative sum (blue solid line) and its linear approximation for windows of size k = 5 (red dotted line). F (k) will estimate the standard deviation around the linear fits as a function of window size (see STAR Methods).
(B) Standard deviation of the fluctuations F (k) as a function of window size k for each lineage separately (light blue lines) and averaged over all lineages (dotted blue lines), showing an approximate power law scaling . Top line: x0, with power γ = 0.81; bottom line: r, with γ = 0.3. The black dotted line illustrates , expected for temporally independent fluctuations.
(C) Mean and standard deviation of the scaling exponents for each variable in individual lineages from all mother and sisters machine data (blue symbols). Orange symbols show the same analysis for lineages with shuffled generation order. See Figure S9 for the same analysis on publicly available datasets