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. 2022 Jan 27;10(2):e15112. doi: 10.14814/phy2.15112


Resting blood pressure pre‐ and post‐isometric exercise training, control, and sham conditions

Parameter IET (n = 10) Control (n = 10) Sham (n = 10)
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Clinic sBP (mmHg) 131 ± 6 116 ± 6* 119 ± 9 120 ± 7 120 ± 8 119 ± 8
Clinic mBP (mmHg) 97 ± 5 90 ± 5* 89 ± 5 90 ± 6 87 ± 2 89 ± 4
Clinic dBP (mmHg) 80 ± 6 75 ± 7* 73 ± 6 74 ± 8 71 ± 6 71 ± 6
Continuous sBP (mmHg) 117 ± 9 110 ± 13* 110 ± 9 110 ± 9 114 ± 4 114 ± 4
Continuous mBP (mmHg) 93 ± 8 85 ± 10* 84 ± 8 83 ± 8 87 ± 5 86 ± 4
Continuous dBP (mmHg) 65 ± 11 61 ± 11* 66 ± 9 66 ± 9 69 ± 6 69 ± 4

Abbreviation: dBP, diastolic blood pressure; IET, isometric exercise training; mBP, mean blood pressure; sBP, systolic blood pressure.


< 0.05.