Table 1.
Database | Search strategy |
Pubmed | (Septic Arthritis[tiab] OR Suppurative Arthritis[tiab] OR infect* Arthritis[tiab] OR Pyogenic Arthritis[tiab] OR Bacterial Arthritis[tiab] OR Arthritis, Infectious[MeSH]) AND (Arthrotomy[tiab] OR Open[tiab] OR Arthroscop*[tiab] OR Arthroscopy[MeSH]) AND (Knee*[tiab] OR Knee Joint[MeSH] OR Knee[MeSH]) |
Cochrane library | #1 Septic Arthritis OR Suppurative Arthritis OR infect* Arthritis OR Pyogenic Arthritis OR Bacterial Arthritis:ti,ab,kw #2 MeSH descriptor: [Arthritis, Infectious] explode all trees #3 Arthroscop* OR Arthrotomy OR Open:ti,ab,kw #4 MeSH descriptor: [Arthroscopy] explode all trees #5 Knee*:ti,ab,kw #6 MeSH descriptor: [Knee] explode all trees #7 MeSH descriptor: [Knee Joint] explode all trees #8 (#1 OR #2) #9 (#3 OR #4) #10 (#5 OR #6 OR #7) #11 (#8 AND #9 AND #10) |
Embase | #1 'Septic Arthritis':ab,ti OR 'Suppurative Arthritis':ab,ti OR 'infect* Arthritis':ab,ti OR 'Pyogenic Arthritis':ab,ti OR 'Bacterial Arthritis':ab,ti #2 'infectious arthritis'/exp #3 'Arthroscop*':ab,ti OR 'Arthrotomy':ab,ti OR 'Open':ab,ti #4 'arthroscopy'/exp #5 'Knee*':ab,ti #6 'knee'/exp #7 (#1 OR #2) #8 (#3 OR #4) #9 (#5 OR #6) #10 (#7 AND #8 AND #9) |