Impact of YB-16 and YB-11 on spontaneous behavior following paw
infection. (A) Evaluation of the spontaneous licking and biting of
the paw after intraplantar injection of YB-16 (5, 15, 45 μg),
capsaicin (5, 10 μg), or vehicle for 120 min after injection
(two-way ANOVA P < 0.001 main effect treatment,
time, and interaction). (B) Total pain-like behavior for YB-16, capsaicin,
or vehicle. Capsaicin treatment (10 μg) leads to a significant
reduction in pain-like behavior compared to the vehicle control group.
(C) Evaluation of the spontaneous licking and biting of the paw after
intraplantar injection of YB-11 (10 μg) or vehicle for 120 min
after treatment showing main effects of time (mixed-effects model P < 0.05 main effect treatment, time, and interaction).
(D) Total pain-like behavior for YB-11 or vehicle showing an increase
in spontaneous behavior after YB-11 treatment. **P < 0.01 Dunnett’s multiple comparison. *P < 0.05 t-test. n = 8–10,
all groups. Data are shown as mean ± SEM.