Table 1.
Construct | Indicators and response options |
Demographics | |
Gender | Dummy variable for female (0/1) |
Family structure | Dummy variables; whether R resides with both biological parents (1 = yes, 0 = no) |
Family socioeconomic status | Combined index of parent’s education and parent’s occupational level (0–10) |
Individual characteristics | |
Relative pubertal development | “How advanced is your physical development compared to other boys [girls] your age?” (−2 = “I look younger than most” to 2 = “I look older than most” [0 = “I look the same”]) |
Low self-control | Mean of responses to frequency R has (1) “Trouble keeping your mind on what you were doing,” (2) “Trouble getting your homework done,” (3) “Difficulty paying attention in school,” and (4) “[Feel] like you are doing everything just about right” (0 = never or rarely to 3 = most or all of the time) |
Academic aspirations | “On a scale of 1–5, how likely is it that you will go to college?” (0 = low to 4 = high) |
Attachment to school | Extent to which R (1) feels close to people at school, (2) feels like a part of the school, and (3) is happy to be in school (mean index; 0 = strongly disagree to 4 = strongly agree) |
Religiosity | Mean of responses to (1) frequency attending religious services, (2) importance of religion, and (3) frequency R prays |
Nonviolent delinquency | Dummy variable for any of 4 delinquent acts (damaged property, stolen worth >$50/<$50, breaking and entering) (0/1) |
Violent perpetration | Dummy variable for any of five violent acts (e.g., threatened someone, pulled a gun/knife on someone) (0/1) |
Family characteristics | |
Family support | Extent to which R feels family (1) understands him/her, (2) pays attention to him/her, and (3) they have fun together (mean index; 0 = not at all to 4 = very much) |
Parental attachment | Mean of responses to (1) “How close do you feel to your mother (father),” (2) “How much do you feel that your mother (father) cares about you?” (0 = not at all to 4 = very much, adjusted for single-parent relationships) |
Parental monitoring | Whether R’s parents let him/her make decisions about (1) curfew and (2) which friends he/she hangs out with (mean: 1 = no, 0 = yes) |
Peer characteristic | |
Unstructured socializing | “During the past week, how many times did you just hang out with friends” (0 = not at all to 3 = 5 or more times) |
Source: National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent to Adult Health (Wave I [1994–1995]).