Cancer Registry |
Demographics |
age_at_dx, sex, marital_status_at_dx, race, nhia, napiia, county_at_dx, etc |
Vital information |
vital_status, date_of_death, primary_cause |
Tumor information |
Primary_site, laterality, grade, diagnosis_confirmation |
Tumor extension and metastasis |
cs_extension, cs_tumor_size, cs_lymph_nodes, cs_mets_at_dx |
Pathology info and tumor staging |
histology_icdo3, behavior_icdo3, clinical and pathology staging in AJCC 6, 7, 8 and SEER staging |
Site-specific data |
cs_site_specific factors |
Tumor treatments |
Surgical, radiation, hormone, BRM, and other cancer treatment information |
Imaging |
Pathology images |
Digitized representative diagnostic slides in Olympus (.vsi) and Philips (.svs?) whole slide image formats, including image metadata such as imaging device, optical settings and configuration, specimen staining, etc. |
Computational imaging signatures |
Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes; tumor pattern segmentation; tumor and stromal nuclei segmentation; spatial and spectral signatures |