Table 4.
Example results following comprehensive validation assessment.
Data element | Complete-ness | Range as expected? | Random sample reconciled against source system? | Random sample reconciled against separate GSTT dataset | Reconciled against external dataset | Conclusions | RAG |
COMORBIDITY | 100 | Yes | Not applicable | Yes. 97% match | Not applicable | Our investigations suggest that this data is of good quality. | G |
INPATIENT UTILISATION DATA | 100 | Yes | Yes. 100% match | Not applicable | Not applicable | Our investigations suggest that this data is of good quality. | G |
NYHA SYMPTOM CLASS | 96 | Yes | Yes, 50% match | Not applicable | Not applicable | Clinical interpretation led to a low correlation (consistent with low inter-observer reliability) | R |
DATE OF DEATH | 100 | Yes | Yes 100% match | Not applicable | Yes, 85% match. | Delays occur updating GSTT source. Decision made to use external data as source (ONS) | G |
NYHA: New York Heart Association.