Cell yield and viability. (a) Viability of cells is independent of volume
processed for 1 mL volumes (squares) and 9 mL volumes (circles).
F1,44 = 0.67, p = 0.42 for volume; F1,44 = 0.04,
p = 0.84 for injury status; n = 10 controls (white symbols); n = 14 stroke
patients (red/blue symbols). (b) Significant viability loss occurred during
the cryopreservation process (clear bars) compared to viability prior to
banking (hatched bars). * p < 0.05; **** p < 0.0001; n = 12 controls
(clear circles), n = 16 stroke (filled circles, systemic; squares,
intracranial), n = 12 cerebrovascular disease patients (triangles). One
intracranial sample was unreadable using the Nexcelom Cellometer after
recovery from cryopreservation but did have viable cells by flow cytometry.
(c) Correlation between last known normal and % viability in intracranial
blood at time of collection does not show an effect of time to mechanical
thrombectomy on leukocyte yield; F1,11 = 1.81, p = 0.21.
r2 = 0.14.