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. 2022 Jun;29(4):819–832. doi: 10.1177/09697330211066574

Table 1.

Frequencies with which ethically conflictive situations emerged.

Scenario Area Never Almost never At least once a year At least once every 6 months At least once a month At least once a week
n % n % n % n % n % n %
S1 T&CP 13 11.1 7 6.0 18 15.4 29 24.8 36 30.8 14 12.0
S2 P&F 29 24.8 20 17.1 10 8.5 18 15.4 22 8.8 18 15.4
S3 DS&WE 21 17.9 16 13.7 9 7.7 20 17.1 42 35.9 9 7.7
S4 P&F 30 25.6 29 24.8 19 16.2 24 20.5 14 12.0 1 0.9
S5 P&F 51 43.6 30 25.6 9 7.7 13 11.1 12 10.3 2 1.7
S6 P&F 43 36.8 36 30.8 10 8.5 13 11.1 11 9.4 4 3.4
S7 T&CP 14 12.0 19 16.2 12 10.3 23 19.7 36 30.8 13 11.1
S8 DS&WE 13 11.1 15 12.8 12 10.3 30 25.6 33 28.2 14 12.0
S9 DS&WE 31 26.5 26 22.2 14 12.0 21 17.9 16 13.7 9 7.7
S10 P&F 45 38.5 28 23.9 10 8.5 20 17.1 14 12.0 - -
S11 T&CP 27 23.1 19 16.2 16 13.7 28 23.9 25 21.4 2 1.7
S12 DS&WE 18 15.4 21 17.9 14 12.0 24 20.5 32 27.4 8 6.8
S13 DS&WE 45 38.5 24 20.5 12 10.3 19 16.2 15 12.8 2 1.7
S14 T&CP 51 43.6 24 20.5 13 11.1 21 17.9 6 5.1 2 1.7
S15 DS&WE 57 48.7 24 20.5 10 8.5 11 9.4 7 6.0 8 6.8
S16 P&F 44 37.6 18 15.4 6 5.1 11 9.4 17 14.5 21 17.9
S17 T&CP 25 21.4 14 12.0 10 8.5 10 8.5 22 18.8 36 30.8
S18 P&F 30 25.6 31 26.5 8 6.8 11 9.4 18 15.4 19 16.2
S19 DS&WE 42 35.9 24 20.5 8 6.8 14 12.0 14 12.0 15 12.8

Abbreviations: S = Situations, T&CP = Treatment and Clinical Procedures, P&F: Patient and family interpersonal relationships, DS&WE: Dynamics of the Service and Working Environment, n = number of respondents, N= Total number of respondents in each situation.