From top to bottom: (1) motif logos for derived position weight matrices (PWMs); (2) normalized enrichment of motif locations across gene body; (3–5) total number of the relevant motif found at m
6A-Nanopore* (3), m
6A-miCLIP*, (4) or ECT2-iCLIP (5) sites according to gene body location. Gray lines indicate numbers found in a gene body location-matched background set of sites of equivalent number; (6 and 7) distribution of the relevant motif relative to m
6A-Nanopore* (6) or ECT2–iCLIP (7) sites. Gray lines represent the distribution for the same gene body location-matched set as derived in the panels above. RRACH shows a slightly higher enrichment over RRAC around m
6A-Nanopore* sites, which is further increased in the more lenient version DRACH. Accordingly, there is also clear enrichment of URAC. On the contrary, there is no global enrichment of DRACG in m
6A-Nanopore* datasets along the gene body, and only very modest around m
6A-Nanopore* sites, highlighting the importance of the final H in DRACH. R = A/G, H = A/C/U, D = A/G/U. *
Parker et al., 2020.