From top to bottom: (1) motif logos for derived position weight matrices (PWMs); (2) distance-based enrichment of motifs at and around m
6A-Nanopore* sites, plotted as motif counts per 1000 m
6A sites (purple lines). Gray lines indicate the enrichment in a location-matched background set as in
Figure 5D; (3) same as in (2) with sites split according to whether they sit on ECT2 targets; (4) same as in (2) with sites split according to the distance from the nearest ECT2 crosslink site (for ECT2-iCLIP targets only); (5) motif counts per 1000 iCLIP-binding sites, as a function of distance from the iCLIP position, showing all sites against matched background sites (gray lines). Motifs are ordered according to the different relative enrichment upstream or downstream m
6A sites according to ECT2 binding (see text below panels 3 and 4). *
Parker et al., 2020.