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. 2021 Dec 29;36(1):30–43. doi: 10.1177/02692163211049309

Table 3.

Characteristics of included measures.

Self-report scales
Measure, country of origin (reference to first article) Acronym Studies included Construct(s) primary (secondary) Age range in years unless specified Target population Recall period (Sub)scale (s) (number of items) Completion time Training time Response options Range of scores/scoring Original language Available translations
Adolescent paediatric Pain Tool, U.S. (Savedra et al. ) 41 APPT Fernandes et al. 42 ;
Özalp Gerçeker et al., 2018 43 ; Madi and Badr, 44
Pain – postoperative I: 8–17
S: 7–18 43
Surgery, Post-operative pain Current or most recent pain 3 (3) 3.2–6.4 minutes n.r. 43 body segments;
5 words- Word Graphic Rating Scale;
56–67 pain descriptors
(1) Any location on the body outline; (2) no pain to worst possible pain; (3) 0–67 pain descriptors English Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Arabic
Children’s Procedural Interview, U.S.
(Pfefferbaum et al. ) 45
CPI Pfefferbaum et al. 45 Pain – procedural, anxiety I: 3–15 S: 9–15.9 Cancer; Procedural pain <30 minutes n.r. n.r. n.r. n.r. Semi-structured with open answers English/ Spanish n.r.
The DOLLS tool, Lebanon
(Badr Zahr et al. ) 46
DOLLS Zahr et al. 46 Pain – procedural I: 4–10
S: <1 (11 months),
Cancer; Procedural pain 0 1 (1) n.r. n.r. 6 fabric dolls 6 ordinal dolls Arabic n.r.
Faces scales, U.S.
(LeBaron and Zeltzer,) 47
FACES LeBaron and Zeltzer 47 ;
Pfefferbaum et al. 45
Pain – acute, anxiety I: 6–18
S: 2–6
Cancer; Procedural pain (BMA, LP) 0 1 (1) n.r. 1 month 5 faces (image) 1–5 English n.r.
Faces Pain Scale – Revised, Canada
(Hicks et al. ) 48
Faces Pain Scale
(Bieri et al. ) 49
FPS-R Hicks et al. 48 ;
Miro and Huguet 50 ;
da Silva et al. 51
Pain 4–12 Unspecified diseases n.r. 1 (1) n.r. n.r. 6 faces (image) 0–10 English Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Persian (Farsi), Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Thai
Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale for children aged 7–12 years, Australia
(Collins et al. ) 52
MSAS 7–12 Collins et al. 52 Symptoms 7–12 Cancer n.r. 1 (8) 5.8 minutes 0 Yes/No,
3-point scales,
4-point scales
Yes/No, 1–3, 0–3 English n.r.
Poker Chip Tool/Pieces of Hurt
(Hester et al. ) 53
PCT West et al. 54 Pain – procedural I: 4.6–6.7 Healthy, PICU 0 1 (1) n.r. n.r. 4 poker chips 0–4 English n.r.
Pain Squad, Canada
(Stinson) 55
n.r. Stinson 55 ; Stinson et al. 56 Pain – unspecified 9–18 Cancer n.r. 1 (20) n.r.. n.r. Visual analogue slider scale,
selectable body-map,
multiple-choice question, a free-text question.
1) 0–10
2) pain locations (e.g. left, right)
3) multiple choices
4) open answer
English n.r.
Pain Interference Index, Sweden (Wicksell et al. ) 57 PII Martin et al. 58 Pain interference – longstanding pain I: 10–18 S: 6–25 Pain syndrome 2 weeks 1 (6) 1–2 minutes n.r. 7–point scale 0–6 Swedish English
Rainbow Pain Scale, Canada (Mahon et al. ) 59 RPS Mahon et al. 59 Ongoing Pain 5–10 Cancer or haematological diseases n.r. 1 (5) n.r. n.r. 24 colours A box of 24 standard colours provided by Crayola English n.r.
Symptom Screening in paediatrics Tool (self-report), Canada
(Dupuis et al. ) 60
SSPedi Dupuis et al. 60 Symptoms 8–18 Cancer or hematopoietic stem aaaaaaaaa transplant (HSCT) recipients  n.r. 1 (15) n.r. n.r. 5–point scale 0 (no bother)–4 (worst bother) English n.r.
Wong-Baker FACES pain rating scale, U.S. (Wong and Baker) 61 WBS Wong and Baker 61 ;
West et al. 54 ;
Holdsworth et al. 62 ;
Wiener et al. 63
Pain – unspecified I: 3–18
S: 5–13
Hospitalised children n.r. 1 (1) n.r. n.r. 6 one-dimensional faces 0–5 English n.r.
Oral Mucositis Daily Questionnaire, U.S.
(Stiff et al. ) 64
OMDQ Tomlinson et al. 65 ;
Manji et al. 40
Pain and daily functioning I: >18 S: 1–11 Cancer 0 3 (10) n.r.. n.r. 5-point scale, 11-point scale 0–4, 0–10 English n.r.
Observational scales
Measure, country of origin (reference to first article) Acronym Studies included Construct(s) Primary (Secondary) Age range
in years unless specified
Target population Mode of administration
i.e. reported by parent/ nurse/ doctor/ researcher
Recall period (Sub)scale (s)
(number of items)
Completion time Training time Response options Range of scores
Original language Available translations
COMFORT Scale, U.S. (Ambuel et al. ) 66 COMFORT Ambuel et al. 66 ;
van Dijk et al., 2000 67 ;
Van Dijk et al. 68
(Pain – postoperative)
I: n.r.
S: 0–3 (van Dijk et al., 2000);
postoperative pain
Parent 0–2 minutes 8 (40) 2 minutes 2 hours 5-point scale 1–5 English n.r.
Douleur Enfant Gustave Roussy Scale/The Gustave Roussy Child Pain Scale and revised version, France (Gauvain-Piquard et al. ) 69 DEGR Gauvain-Piquard et al. 69 ; Gauvain-Piquard et al. 70 ;
Marec-Berard et al. 71
Pain – acute
(depression, anxiety)
I: 2–6
S: 2–6
Cancer Nurse or researcher n.r. 3 (17) 5–10 min 2–3 hrs 5-point scales, with 5 respective descriptions of increasing severity with reference to a provided definition of the item. 0–4 French n.r.
The Faces, Legs, Activity, Cry and Consolability pain assessment tool, U.S. (Merkel et al. ) 72 FLACC Merkel et al. 72 ; Manworren and Hynan 73 ;
Da Silva et al. 51
Pain n.r. Surgery Researcher n.r. 1(5) 5 minutes n.r. 3-point scale 0–2 English Portuguese
Hétéro-Évaluation de la Douleur de l’Enfant, France (Marec-Berard et al. ) 71 HEDEN Marec-Berard et al. 71 Pain – prolonged 2–6 Cancer Nurse n.r. 3 (6) 4.42 (5.9) min n.r. 3-point scale 0–2 French n.r.
Modified Infant Pain Scale, U.S. (Buchholz et al. ) 74 MIPS Buchholz et al. 74 Pain – postoperative 4–30 weeks Surgery Nurse 0 1(13) n.r. 2 hours 3-point scale 0–2 English n.r.
Objective Pain Scale, U.S., (West et al. ) 54 OPS West et al. 54 Pain 5–13 Cancer Parent and nurse 0 1 (5) n.r. n.r. 3-point scale 0–2 English n.r.
Procedure Behaviour Check List, U.S., (LeBaron and Zeltzer) 47 PBCL LeBaron and Zeltzer) 47 ; Pfefferbaum et al. 45 Pain – acute, anxiety 6–17 Cancer; Procedural pain (BMA, LP) Unspecified 0 1 (8) repeated for three time periods Time 1: 4–6 minutes, Time 2: 2–3 minutes, Time 3: 2–4 minutes 1 month 5-point scales, with provided definitions of each behavioural category 1–5 English n.r.
Pain Interference Index- Parent, U.S. (Martin et al. ) 58 PII-P Martin et al. 58 Pain interference – chronic pain 6–25 Neurofibromatosis type 1 or Cancer Parent n.r. 1 (6) 1–2 minutes n.r. 7-point scale 0–6 English n.r.
Paediatric Pain Profile, U.K. (Hunt et al. ) 75 PPP Hunt et al. 75 ;
Hunt et al. 76 ;
Pasin et al. 77
Pain 1–18 Neurological and cognitive impairments, unable to communicate through speech or any augmentative device Parent Retrospective 1 (20) n.r. n.r. 4-point ordinal scale 0–3 English Portuguese
Symptom Screening in paediatrics Tool (proxy-report), Canada (Dupuis et al. ) 60 SSPedi Dupuis et al., 60 Hyslop et al. 78 Symptoms 8–18 Cancer or hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) recipients  n.r. 1 (15) n.r. n.r. 5-point scale 0 (no bother)–4 (worst bother) English n.r. English

I: intended population where tool was first published; S: populations reported in subsequent studies where tool was validated; PICU: paediatric intensive care unit; n.r.- not reported; APPT: Adolescent Paediatric Pain Tool; CPI: Children’s Procedural Interview; DEGR scale: Douleur Enfant Gustave Roussy; FPS-R: Faces Pain Scale-Revised; FLACC scale: Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability scale; HEDEN scale: Hétero Evaluation Douleur Enfant scale; MIPS: Modified Infant Pain Scale; MSAS: Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale; OMDQ: Oral Mucositis Daily Questionnaire; OPS: Objective Pain Scale; PBCL: Pain Behaviour Check List; PCT: Poker Chip Tool; PII: Pain Interference Index; PII-P: Pain Interference Index-Parent; PPP: Paediatric Pain Profile; r: Pearson product moment correlation coefficient; RPS: Rainbow Pain Scale; SSPedi: Symptom Screening in Paediatrics; WBS: Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale; U.K.: United Kingdom; U.S. : United States; NF-1: neurofibromatosis type 1.