Stylophora pistillata: (a)
PLM image, (b) DIC
image, (c) a component map, and (d) an average PEEM image overlaid
with the component map, as described in Figure 2. (e, f) The regions boxed in panels c and
d are magnified here to show amorphous particles where calicoblastic
cells are expected. This region shows several scars left by desmocytes,
the cells that bind the calicoblastic epithelium to the skeleton
and form 3-μm-deep V-shaped scars, indicated by white arrows
in panel d. Distinct particles are visible just outside the skeleton
surface (e.g., cyan arrowhead in panel d, and three particles in panel
f). These extraskeletal particles have both a greater percentage of
amorphous pixels and a greater concentration of amorphous phases per
pixel, compared to the skeleton surface or bulk (Tables S2 and S3). Extraskeletal
particles are mostly amorphous within the calicoblastic epithelium,
<2 μm outside the yellow line in panels d and f. Intraskeletal
amorphous pixels in panel d extend ∼1 μm inside the yellow
line. See Figure S3 for more images of
this area.