Coordinated FP service delivery |
First point of contact: CHW |
Proximity: CHWs enable easy access to FP provider and methods |
Rapport: CHWs accessible as friends and confidants |
Provision: information, resupply, and counseling on side effects |
CHW refers client to health center |
CHW may accompany client to health center |
Pregnancy tests in case of delayed resupply |
Unmanageable side effects |
Medical tests at the health center |
Tests prior to initiation of new method |
Tests during sustained use |
Nurses transfer client back to CHW |
Clients transferred back to CHWs for resupply of short term methods |
CHWs reconnect with all clients |
Coordinated integration of FP during antenatal and postnatal care |
Timing of integration |
FP information during pregnancy |
FP initiation during infant health checks |