Table 1.
Local delivery routes of exogenous BDNF
Delivery route | Model | Targeted brain region | BDNF delivery vehicle | Results | References |
Intrahippocampal infusion | Rats | Hippocampus | BDNF-containing PBS | Improves lasting potentiation of synaptic function in the dentate gyrus | [416] |
DG | BDNF (no detailed information) | Increases neurogenesis of DG; most new neurons appear to become granule cells | [417] | ||
vHPC | BDNF dissolved in PBS | Increases excitability in infralimbic targets and supports extinction memories | [411] | ||
CA1 | BDNF-containing sterile saline | Reverses the impairments in memory persistence; generates persistent LTM storage via activation of ERK | [407] | ||
Intracortical infusion | Rats | dmPFC | BDNF-containing PBS | Alleviates cocaine-induced decrease in basal extracellular glutamate; reduces cocaine-mediated increase in extracellular glutamate with the NAc | [408] |
Inhibits cocaine-induced phosphorylation of ERK and CREB | [409] | ||||
Mice | vmPFC | BDNF reconstituted in 0.9% saline | Rescues paradoxical reversal learning enhancement induced by stress or prefrontal cortical damage | [410] | |
Intra-nucleus accumbens injection | Rats | Nucleus accumbens | BDNF dissolved in saline | Suppresses dopamine release and dopamine-related behaviors induced by methamphetamine | [412] |
Intranasal delivery | Rats | Nasal cavity | 125I-BDNF dissolved in sterile PBS | Intranasal delivery of 70 μg [125I]-radiolabeled BDNF results in 1.6–25.1 ng/ml within 25 min in brain parenchyma | [418] |
BDNF reconstituted in sterile PBS | Alleviates cerebral local inflammation induced by ischemia/reperfusion | [414] | |||
BDNF-containing saline | Improves visual depth perception in amblyopic rats | [413] | |||
Intracochlear infusion | Cats | Cochlear | BDNF-containing sterile artificial perilymph | Increases the total volume of cochlear nucleus to exert neurotrophic effects | [407] |
Guinea pigs | BDNF-containing saline with BSA (1%) | Enhanced survival of spiral ganglion cells | [450] |
BBB blood–brain barrier, BDNF brain-derived neurotrophic factor, CREB cAMP-response element binding protein, ERK extracellular regulated protein kinases, SA self-administration, TrkB tyrosine kinase receptor type B, DG dentate gyrus, vHPC ventral hippocampus, LTM g long-term memory, dmPFC dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, NAc nucleus accumbens, vmPFC ventromedial prefrontal cortex, BSA bovine serum albumin