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. 2021 Nov 15;39(1):455–487. doi: 10.1007/s12325-021-01951-z

Table 1.

Characteristics of the included studies

Disease Citation Publication type Country Drug Study type Patient follow-up Cohort size Switch program
 Psoriasis Szlumper [9] Abstract UK Etanercept Center-based cohort study 3 months 17 NS
 CD Ala [50] Abstract UK Infliximab Center-based cohort study 6 months 20 NS
 CD Plevris [45] Journal article UK Infliximab Center-based cohort study (prospective) 12 months 110 Yes
 IBD O'Brien [84] Abstract Ireland Infliximab Center-based cohort study NR 20 NS
 CD, UC Bergqvist [51] Journal article Sweden Infliximab Center-based cohort study (prospective) 12 months 313 NS
 CD, UC Diaz Hernandez [52] Abstract Spain Infliximab Center-based cohort study (retrospective) 6 months 72 NS
 CD, UC Fischer [53] Abstract Germany Infliximab Center-based cohort study (prospective) 6 months 114 NS
 CD, UC Geccherle [85] Abstract Italy Infliximab Center-based cohort study 6 months 5 NS
 CD, UC Guerra Veloz [54] Journal article Spain Infliximab Center-based cohort study (prospective) 24 months 100 NS
 CD, UC Hoivik [55] Journal article Norway Infliximab Center-based cohort study (prospective) 18 months 143 NS
 CD, UC Kim [86] Journal article Korea Infliximab Center-based cohort study (retrospective) 60 months 101 NS
 CD, UC Rahmany [38] Abstract UK Infliximab Center-based cohort study NR 78 Yes
 CD, UC Rodriguez Glez [56] Abstract Spain Infliximab Center-based cohort study (retrospective) 12 months 72 NS
 CD, UC Sieczkowska [57] Journal article Poland Infliximab Center-based cohort study (prospective) 11 months 39 NS
 CD, UC St Clair Jones [39] Abstract UK Infliximab Center-based cohort study 6 months 71 Yes
 Pediatric CD, UC Kang [58] Abstract South Korea Infliximab Center-based cohort study (prospective) 1 year 38 NS
 CD, UC, IBDU Huoponen [35] Journal article Finland Infliximab Center-based cohort study (prospective) 12 months 54 NS
 CD, UC, IBDU Smits [59] Journal article Netherlands Infliximab Center-based cohort study (prospective) 12 months 83 NS
 CD, UC, IBDU Razanskaite [44] Journal article UK Infliximab Center-based cohort study 12 months 143 Yes
 CD, FCD, UC Park [60] Journal article South Korea Infliximab Post-marketing study 30 weeks 60 NS
 LCD, FCD, UC, IBDU Ratnakumaran [61] Journal article UK Infliximab Center-based cohort study 12 months 191 NS
 NS Gervais [62] Journal article UK Infliximab Center-based cohort study (prospective) 12 months 33 NS
 RA Dyball [63] Abstract UK Etanercept Center-based cohort study (retrospective) N/A 38 NS
 RA Peral [37] Abstract Spain Etanercept Decision tree model with physician survey NR NS NS
 RA Shah [43] Abstract UK Etanercept Center-based cohort study (prospective) 4 months 151 Yes
 RA Tarallo [32] Journal article UK Etanercept Simulation model with physician survey NR 1,259 NS
 RA Nisar [64] Abstract UK Rituximab Center-based cohort study NR 40 NS
 RA, PsA, AS Alkoky [71] Abstract UK Etanercept Center-based cohort study (prospective) 6 months 158 NS
 RA, PsA, AS Barnes [40] Abstract UK Etanercept Interview NR 149–180/center, 4 centers Yes
 RA, PsA, AS Chan [41] Journal article UK Etanercept Center-based cohort study NR 113 Yes
 RA, PsA, AS Dayer [87] Abstract Spain Etanercept Center-based cohort study (retrospective) NR 31 NS
 RA, PsA, AS Ma [65] Abstract UK Etanercept Center-based cohort study 6 months 160 NS
 RA, PsA, AS Gibofsky [34] Abstract UK, Germany Infliximab Database (retrospective) 12 months 119 NS
 RA, PsA, AS Glintborg [33] Journal article Denmark Infliximab Center-based cohort study 6 months 769 NS
 RA, PsA, AS Nascimento Junior [66] Abstract Brazil Infliximab Center-based cohort study (prospective) NR 78 NS
 RA, PsA, AS, JIA Nisar [42] Abstract UK Etanercept Center-based cohort study 1 year 82 Yes
 RA, PsA, SpA Uke [72] Abstract UK Etanercept Database min 3 months 157 NS
 RA, PsA, SpA Valido [67] Abstract Portugal Infliximab Center-based cohort study (prospective) median 15 months 60 NS
 NS Ahmad [68] Abstract UK Etanercept Interview NR 104 NS
 NS Moron [88] Abstract Spain Etanercept Center-based cohort study (retrospective) 9 months 30a NS
 NS Sheppard [73] Abstract UK Infliximab Center-based cohort study 12 months 25 NS
 Chronic kidney disease Minutolo [8] Journal article Italy ESA Center-based cohort study (retrospective) 24 weeks 163 NS
 Solid tumors, hematological malignancy Al Rabayah [6] Abstract Jordan Filgrastim Center-based cohort study (retrospective) NR 37 NS
Growth development
 GHD, TS, CRI, PWS, children born small for gestational age Flodmark [7] Journal article Sweden Somatropin Center-based cohort study NR 98 NS
Unspecified or multiple disease areas
 IBD, RA, PsA, AS Abdalla [69] Journal article UK Infliximab Center-based cohort study (prospective and retrospective) Mean 15.8 months 34 NS
 NS (areas include rheumatology, gastroentology, internal medicine) Gutermann [70] Abstract France Infliximab Center-based cohort study 10 months 267 NS
 CD, UC, RA, AS Ramos Rodriguez [74] Abstract Spain Infliximab Center-based cohort study (retrospective) 11 months 48 NS
 NS (RA, AS most common) Phillips [36] Abstract Turkey Infliximab Database NR 136 NS
 NS Zahorian [89] Abstract USA Infliximab Center-based cohort study NR 100 NS

AS axial spondylarthritis, CD Crohn's disease, CRI chronic renal insufficiency, FCD fistulizing Crohn’s disease, GHD growth hormone deficiency, IBD inflammatory bowel disease, IBDU inflammatory bowel disease unclassified, JIA juvenile idiopathic arthritis, LCD luminal Crohn’s disease, NMS non-medical switch, NR not reported, NS not specified, PsA psoriatic arthritis, PWS Prader–Willi Syndrome, RA rheumatoid arthritis, SpA spondylarthritis, TS Turner syndrome, UC ulcerative colitis, UK United Kingdom, USA United States of America

aThe selected cohort of 30 patients included all patients treated with etanercept biosimilar since its incorporation into the pharmacotherapeutic guide of the hospital. The number of patients switched from the reference biologic is not specified