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. 2021 Dec 14;39(1):779–795. doi: 10.1007/s12325-021-01969-3

Table 2.

Baseline HCRU and costs in the matched cohorts (subset with complete pharmacy cost capture)

HCRU and costs Synthroid persistent users
(n = 14,140)
Generic levothyroxine persistent users
(n = 15,891)
n (%)/mean (SD) n (%)/mean (SD)
All-cause HCRU
 Inpatient hospitalizations, n (%) 826 (5.8) 918 (5.8) 0.003
 ED visits, n (%) 1088 (7.7) 1181 (7.4) 0.010
 Outpatient services, n (%) 13,942 (98.6) 15,661 (98.6) 0.004
 Pharmacy fills, n (%) 13,354 (94.4) 15,187 (95.6) –0.052
 Fills per patient, mean (SD) 9.2 (7.45) 9.3 (7.58) –0.020
Hypothyroidism-related HCRUb
 Inpatient hospitalizations, n (%) 456 (3.2) 503 (3.2) 0.003
 ED visits, n (%) 299 (2.1) 240 (1.5) 0.045
 Outpatient services, n (%) 11,511 (81.4) 13,072 (82.3) –0.022
 Pharmacy fills, n (%) 9325 (65.9) 10,779 (67.8) –0.040
 Fills per patient, mean (SD) 2.3 (2.27) 2.2 (2.18) 0.032
All-cause healthcare costs, per patient in 2017 USD
 Inpatient hospitalizations, mean (SD) 1288 (9910) 1695 (16,956) –0.029
 ED visits, mean (SD) 162 (863) 165 (984) –0.003
 Outpatient services, mean (SD) [median] 2861 (6395) [1099] 2668 (5754) [1024] 0.032
 Pharmacy fills, mean (SD) [median] 1478 (3618) [613] 1448 (3332) [585] 0.008
 Total medical costsc, mean (SD) [median] 4311 (12,585) [1,215] 4528 (18,492) [1,121] –0.014
 Total costsd, mean (SD) [median] 5788 (13,534) [2346] 5976 (19,143) [2211] –0.011
Hypothyroidism-related costsb, per patient in 2017 USD
 Inpatient hospitalizations, mean (SD) 631 (5061) 786 (8722) –0.022
 ED visits, mean (SD) 49 (539) 34 (501) 0.029
 Outpatient services, mean (SD) [median] 291 (1352) [102] 277 (1166) [100] 0.011
 Pharmacy fills, mean (SD) [median] 77 (76) [67] 35 (41) [25] 0.697
 Total medical costsc, mean (SD) [median] 971 (5271) [114] 1097 (8820) [109] –0.017
 Total costsd, mean (SD) [median] 1049 (5272) [211] 1132 (8819) [148] –0.011

ED emergency department, HCRU healthcare resource utilization, SD standard deviation, USD US Dollars

aStandardized difference = difference in means or proportions divided by the pooled standard deviation. An absolute value of the standardized difference < 0.1 was used to indicate balance in a variable across the cohorts

bHypothyroidism-related healthcare utilization and cost were based on medical claims with an ICD-9-CM diagnosis code of (244.0x, 244.1x, 244.8x, or 244.9x) or ICD-10-CM diagnosis code of (E01.8%, E03.8%, E89.0%, or E03.9%) and pharmacy claims for hypothyroidism medications (including levothyroxine, liothyronine, desiccated thyroid, liotrix, and thyroglobulin)

cTotal medical costs included inpatient, ED, and outpatient costs

dTotal costs were the sum of medical and pharmacy costs