Fig. 1. USP6 was highly expressed in bone marrow aspiration specimens of patients with CML and associated with poor prognosis.
A mRNA levels of USP family members in IM-resistant strain K562-R and its parent cell line K562 were detected by qPCR. B qPCR detection of mRNA levels of USP4, USP6, USP9x, and USP39 in clinical samples (bone marrow aspiration specimens from 15 normal controls, 20 patients with IM-sensitive CML, and 20 patients with IM-resistant CML, Cohort 1). C, D Western blot detection of levels of USP6 in nine clinical samples from Cohort 1 (three from each group). E The mRNA level of USP6 in clinical samples (bone marrow specimens from 15 normal controls and 85 patients with CML, Cohort 2). F Survival analysis was performed between patients with CML with low-USP6 or high-USP6 expression in Cohort 2 (log-rank test). **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.