Fig. 4. GLS1 mediated the effects of USP6 in IM resistance of CML cells.
A–C K562-R cells were infected with shUSP6-1 or shNC and overexpressed GLS1 (oeGLS1). A Western blot analysis of GLS1 expression. B Biochemical detection of glutamine uptake. C Flow cytometric detection of apoptosis treated by 1 μM IM or DMSO. K562 cells were infected with USP6 gene overexpression lentivirus (oeUSP6) or empty vector (Vector) and interfered with GLS1 (shGLS1). D, E Western blot analysis of GLS1 expression. F Biochemical detection of glutamine uptake. G, H Flow cytometric detection of apoptosis. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.