a Scatter plot showing differential gene expression (DGE) in SCs relative to other bone mesenchymal stromal cells. DGE are Log2 fold scale and significant differences are represented by blue dots. b Gene-set enrichment analysis for significantly upregulated genes in SCs. c Heatmap showing expression of Fabp5 and various genes encoding metalloproteinases in SCs relative to other cell populations, namely diaphyseal MSCs (dpMSCs1 and dpMSCs2), metaphyseal MSCs (mpMSCs), osteoblasts (OBs), and proliferating bone mesenchymal stromal cells (p-BMSCs). d, e Maximum intensity projection of 3-week-old wild-type femur showing high MMP9 staining in SCs (arrowheads) (d). MMP13 (red) expression in MMP9+ (green) CD68- cells (white arrowheads) but also in CD68+ (blue) OCs (orange arrowheads) (e). f Confocal image showing MMP9 (green) immunosignals around ACAN+ (cartilage-specific proteoglycan core protein aggrecan) (red) hypertrophic chondrocytes (HC, arrowheads). g
Acan-CreERT2-labelled (GFP, green) chondrocyte fragments in FABP5+ (red) SCs (white arrowheads) but not in CD68+ OCs (orange arrowheads) in proximity of the growth plate. h High magnification confocal images showing strong LAMP1 (green) signal in FABP5+ SCs (red, white arrowhead) relative to vATPase+ (red, orange arrowheads) OCs. DAPI (blue). i Double immunogold labelling showing strong LAMP1 staining (15 nm gold, yellow arrowheads) in SCs relative to vATPase-labelled (10 nm gold, orange arrowheads) OCs. ER, endoplasmic reticulum; LYS, lysosome. j FABP5+ SCs (arrowheads) decline in adult and ageing femurs relative to juvenile metaphysis. GP, growth plate; EPI, ephiphyseal line. Quantitation is shown on the right (n = 6 biologically independent samples; data are presented as mean values ± SEM, p-values. Statistical analysis was performed using Tukey multiple comparison test (one-way Anova). Source data are provided in a Source data file. k Schematic summary showing MMP secretion by EC-associated SCs to degrade growth plate matrix, and phagocytosis of hypertrophic chondrocytes (HC) debris. Independent animals, d–h (n = 5–6) and i (n = 3).