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. 2022 Jan 10;25(2):103746. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.103746

Anti-human Fc specific antibody Sigma-Aldrich I1886; RRID:AB_260125
Polyclonal alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-human Fc antibody produced in goat Sigma-Aldrich A9544; RRID:AB_258459
monoclonal horseradish peroxidase-conjugated anti-GST antibody produced in goat Rockland 600-103-200; RRID:AB_218192

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Human FcRn In-house NA
Recombinant human IL-12 PeproTech 200-12
Mouse epidermal growth factor (BD ThermoFisher PMG8043
MES Sigma-Aldrich M3671
NaCl Sigma-Aldrich S9888
Tris/HCl Sigma-Aldrich T3253
Na2HPO4x2H2O, Sigma-Aldrich 71645
NaH2PO4xH2O Sigma-Aldrich S9638
3,3′5,5′-tetramethylbenzine substrate Merck CL07
Tween-20 Sigma-Aldrich P1379
Skimmed milk ITW reagents A0830
phosphate-buffered saline Sigma-Aldrich D8537
Hydrocortisone Sigma-Aldrich H0888
G418 ThermoFisher 10131027
Blasticidin S ThermoFisher A1113903
Alkaline phosphatase substrate Sigma-Aldrich S0942
K3-EDTA Sigma-Aldrich 03664
cOmplete protease inhibitor cocktail Roche 11836145001
NT-647-HNS fluorescent dye Nanotemper technologies MO-L001
Phosphate-buffered saline Sigma-Aldrich D8537
MCDB 131 medium Gibco 10372019
RPMI medium Sigma-Aldrich R2405
Heat-inactivated fetal calf serum Sigma-Aldrich F7524
L-glutamine ThermoFisher 25030123
Streptomycin and penicillin Sigma-Aldrich P4458
Hank’s Balanced salt solution ThermoFisher 14025100
MEM non-essential amino acids ThermoFisher 11140050
RIPA buffer ThermoFisher 89900
Hank’s Balanced salt solution ThermoFisher 14025100

Experimental models: Cell lines

HMEC1 stably expressing HA-hFcRn-EGFP (HMEC1-hFcRn Weflen et al., 2013 Harvard Medical School and Harvard Digestive Diseases Center

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

Hemizygous hFcRn transgenic Tg32 mice, B6.Cg-Fcgrttm1DcrTg(FCGRT)32Dcr/DcrJ The Jackson Laboratory NA
FcRn-deficient B6-Fcgrttm1Dcr mice The Jackson Laboratory NA


Control siRNA Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc. sc-37007
Mixture of three hFcRn HC-specific siRNAs Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc sc-45632


ustekinumab Fab RCSB PDB ( 3HMW
briakinumab Fab RCSB PDB 5N2K
ustekinuamb-IL-12 complex RCSB PDB 3HMX
briakinumab-IL23 complex RCSB PDB 5NJD

Software and algorithms

GraphPad Prism 7 GraphPad Software Inc
Jalview 2 Waterhouse et al., 2009
PyMOL PyMOL by Schrödinger
Emboss iep Emboss
pdb2pqr sever Dolinsky et al., 2004


24 well plates Costar 10732552
96-well ELISA plates Costar 10544522
CaptureSelecet™ pre-packed anti-human IgG-CH1 column Life technologies 494346201
Amicon Ultra-15 mL 50K columns Millipore C7715
Superdex 200 increase 10/300 GL column GE Healthcare 28–9909-44
Amicon Ultra-0.5 mL 100K columns Millipore UFC510096
SDS-PAGE ThermoFisher NW00125BOX
MycoAlertTM PLUS Mycoplasma detection kit Lonza LT07-703
analytical FcRn column Roche 08128057001
GSTrap HP column GE Healthcare 17–5282-02
HisTrap HP column supplied with Ni2+ ions GE Healthcare 17–5027-68