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. 2022 Jan 27;8:20552076221074128. doi: 10.1177/20552076221074128

Table 4.

Walking bout of included studies.

Authors Task Environment Speed Distance or time
Buckley et al. 26 Gait task Supervised clinical environment. Level surface. Self-selected 2 min around a 25 m circuit
Fino et al. 27 Gait task Supervised clinical environment. Level Surface. Varied testing location. Self-selected 2 min
Ilg et al. 28 Gait task (1) Supervised walking. Level surface;
(2) Supervised free walking (indoors and outdoors);
(3) Unsupervised walking
Self-selected (1) 50 m;
(2) 5 min;
(3) 4–6 h
Mc Ardle et al. 10 Gait task Supervised clinical environment. Level surface Self-selected 6 × 10 m
Simila et al. 29 Berg Balance Scale BBS, Timed-Up and Go-test TUG, five times sit to stand test STS-5, 2 × 20 m walk Home environment Self-selected 2 × 20 m for gait task
Stack et al. 30 (1) Chair transfer;
(2) TUG;
(3) Standing-start 180° turn test;
(4) 3 m walk;
(5) Tandem walk;
(6) Rising-to-walk; reaching high and low
Supervised clinical environment and home environment Self-selected 3 m for gait task
Tesconi et al. 31 Gait task Supervised clinical environment. Self-selected 5 gait-cycle
Zhang et al. 32 15 m to 25 m walkway with 90 degree turns (6MWT) Supervised clinical environment. Level surface. Self-selected 6 min
Zhou et al. 33 (1) Standing balance task;
(2) Gait task;
(3) Gait task + working memory (dual-task condition);
(4) Unsupervised walking
Supervised and unsupervised environment Self-selected 15 m
De Vos et al. 34 (1) Gait task;
(2) Sway test;
(3) TUG test
Straight and level surface Self-selected 2 min
Di Lazzaro et al. 35 Rest tremor,
postural tremor,
rapid alternating hand movement,
foot tapping (leg agility),
20 heel-to-toe tapping,
Timed-Up-and-Go test (TUG),
pull test
Clinical environment Unspecified Unspecified
Hsu et al. 36 First-two strides of forward direction walk Level surface Self-selected 6 trials of 12 m
Jung et al. 37 Gait task Clinical environment, straight path (1) Self-selected;
(2) Fast speed;
(3) Slow speed
20 m
Kashyap et al. 38 Speech: repeated syllable utterance SPE;
UL: rhythmic finger tapping test FIN, finger-nose test FNT, dysdiadochokinesia DDK, ballistic tracking BAL;
LL: Heel-shin test HST, rhythmic foot tapping FOO;
Balance: Rombergs ROM;
Gait: gait test WAL
Clinical environment, level surface Self-selected 10 × 5 m (for gait test)
Mannini et al. 39 Gait task Clinical environment, level surface (12 m walkway) Self-selected 1 min
Moon et al. 40 Instrumented stand and walk test (stand for 30 s, walk 7 m, 180° turn and walk 7 m back) Clinical environment, level surface Self-selected 14 m
Nukala et al. 41 (1) Level surface;
(2) Change in gait speed;
(3) With horizontal head turns;
(4) With vertical head turns;
(5) With pivot turn;
(6) Step over obstacle;
(7) Step around obstacles
Clinical environment Test 2: different gait speed;
Other tests: self-selected pace
Rastegari 42 Walk 10 m four times on an obstacle free environment, turn around after each 10 m Clinical environment, level surface, obstacle-free Self-selected 4 × 10 m
Rehman et al. 43 (1) 4 × 10 m walkway (intermittent walk-IW);
(2) 2 min on 25 m oval circuit (continuous walk-CW)
Clinical environment, level surface Self-selected (1) 4 × 10 m;
(2) 2 min
Rovini et al. 44 All motor tasks were performed twice. Once for R foot, once for L foot.
(1) Toe-tapping for 10 s;
(2) Tap their heel for 10 s;
(3) Gait task;
(4) Turn clockwise or anti-clockwise 360°
Clinical environment (1) Fast speed;
(2) Fast speed;
(3) Self-selected;
(4) Self-selected
(1) and (2) for 10 s;
(3) 15 m
Steinmetzer et al. 45 TUG Clinical environment Self-selected 2 × 10 m
Tedesco et al. 46 Run for 5 m, sidestep left or right (for 45° angle), then run for 3 m. Repeat the test for 10 times. Clinical environment Maximum speed 10 × 8 m