Figure 3.
The association between vitamin K /vitamin D and IL-6. (A) Dp-ucMGP and IL-6 were measured in 133 COVID-19 patients. Patients were separated into three categories, mild (dp-ucMGP <1,000 pmol/L), moderate (dp-ucMGP between 1,000–2,000 pmol/L) and severe vitamin K deficiency (dp-ucMGP >2,000 pmol/L). *Significant difference in IL-6 levels was found between the dp-ucMGP groups 0–1,000 pmol/L and 1,000–2,000 pmol/L. (B) Correlation between IL-6 and dp-ucMGP, both log transformed. Line shows the result of a linear regression. (C) Vitamin 25(OH) D and IL-6 were measured in 131 COVID-19 patients. IL-6 levels were compared with different levels of vitamin 25(OH) D. There is no significant difference in IL-6 levels between groups. (D) Correlation between IL-6 and vitamin 25(OH) D, both log transformed. Line shows the result of a linear regression.