Table 1.
Structural Neuroimaging studies. PTSD: Post-traumatic stress disorder, TE: Trauma-exposed, HC: Healthy controls, M/F: Male/Female, SD: standard deviation, MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging, ND: Not described, MDD: Major depressive disorder, GMD: Gray matter density, AUD: Alcohol Use Disorder, CAPS: Clinician administered PTSD scale, GMV: Gray matter volume, V<SUB>T</SUB>: [11C]NOP-1A total distribution volume.
Study | Method | PTSD(M/F) | TE (M/F) | HC (M/F) |
Age Mean(SD) |
Trauma type | Trauma wind. Months(SD) | Substance Use | Psych. Com. | Results |
Fennema-Notestine et al. (2003) | MRI | 11(0/11) | 11(0/11) | 17(0/17) | 33.5(10.3)/35.4(9.6)/35.3(12.5) | Intimate partner violence | ND | No more than 2 years | Several | No differences |
Levitt et al. (2006) | MRI | 24(24/0) | 24(24/0) | 48(48/0) | 52.5(3.5)/51.7(2.3)/51.8(2.3) | Combat trauma | ND | Yes | MDD | No differences in cerebellar vermis (monozygotic twins sample) |
Sui et al. (2010) | MRI | 13(0/ 13) |
– | 13(0/ 13) |
24.46(5.77)/26(3.99) | Rape | 54.31(59.79) | ND | ND | PTSD > HC GMD in the left cerebellum |
Baldaçara et al. (2011) | MRI | 42(15/27) | 42(10/32) | – | 34.9(ND)/38.3(ND) | Several | ND | 1/42 AUD | 34/42 MDD, several | PTSD < HC left cerebellar hemisphere and vermis. Negative correl. with CAPS scores |
Sussman et al.(2016) | MRI | 23(23/0) | 24(24/0) | – | 37(7)/33(4) | Combat | ND | ND | 16/23 MDD, 4/23 anxiety |
PTSD > TE relative volume of cerebellar lobules VIIB, VIIIA and VIIIB (relative to total cerebellar volume) |
Zhang et al., 2016a, Zhang et al., 2016b | MRI | 17(5/ 12) |
20(9/ 11) |
20(8/ 12) |
44.41(8.44)/40.35(9.43)/42.52( 7.89) |
Earthquake | 24 | ND | ND | Altered GMV in the right cerebellum in PTSD and TE |
Holmes et al. (2018) | MRI | 21(10/11) | – | 18(12/6) | 36(8)/35(13) | Several | 213.6(120) | No | 16/21 MDD | PTSD < HC right cerebellar Crus |
Narendran et al. (2019) | [11C]NOP-1A PET | 9(0/9) | 9(0/9) | 18 (0/18) |
22(2)/22(2) | Rape | 36(22) | No | No | VT in the cerebellum correlate with PTSD symptom severity |