scRNA-Seq of testes from orchitic B6 mice (O50) and normal adult mice (N). (A) Dimensionality reduction of O50t and Nt cells with t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (tSNE). Nt, trypsin/EDTA-digested normal adult mice testes; O50t, trypsin/EDTA-digested O50 mice testes (50 days after the first immunization); Sg, spermatogonia; Sc, spermatocytes; Sd, spermatid; St, Sertoli cells; Im, mixture of immune cells. (B) Counts of differentially expressed genes between O50t and Nt in each cell cluster. (C, D) The cell outgoing communication patterns in Nt and O50t, respectively, detected by CellChat with default settings. (E) Counts of the number of outgoing communication patterns in Nt and O50t. (F) IF staining of the normal mouse testis slices with the auto-antibodies from the serum of O50 mice and the control serum of N mice. (G) The overall transcriptomic profiles of genes, signatures, and pathways from senescence, Hallmark apoptosis, Hallmark inflammatory response, and enzymes of reactive oxygen species (Hallmark) across all the 17 cell clusters between Nt and O50t. (H) β-Galactosidase activity staining of N, O30, and O50 testes slices. (I) Correlational analyses of senescence signature with androgen synthesis signature or with androgen response pathway in Leydig cells. (J) Violin plot showing the relative expression level of genes and signatures of senescence, androgen synthesis, Hallmark apoptosis, caspases, and Hallmark inflammatory responses between Lc_Nt and Lc_O50t. (K) The expression pattern of genes, signatures, and pathways from senescence, Hallmark apoptosis, Hallmark inflammatory response, and enzymes of Hallmark reactive oxygen species in Mp (macrophages), Dc (dendritic cells), and Tc (T cells) from Nc and O50t samples. Nc, collagenase digested normal adult mouse testis samples.