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. 2021 Feb 12;118(2):440–460. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvab035

Table 1.

Stretch-induced changes in fibroblast proliferation, apoptosis and morphology

Response Main findings Cell type Coating and plate Stretch machine Stretch pattern Stretch duration Serum Reference
Increased proliferation Small proliferation increase with stretch NRVF Collagen-coated silicone membrane Homemade stretch device 20% uniaxial 24 h Serum-free Sadoshima et al., (1992)132
Proliferation increased by stretch NRVF Collagen-coated silicone membrane plate Flexcell∗ 1-Hz, 30% 24 h and 48 h Serum-free Cao and Gardner, (1995)91
Increased fibroblast proliferation with low stretch (2%) for 24 or 72 h. In high-stretch conditions (8%), increased only at 24 h Human atrial fibroblast Fibronectin Homemade stretch device 1-Hz, 2% or 8% uniaxial 24 h and 72 h NS Ugolini et al., (2016)92
Increase in proliferation of stretched fibroblasts seeded on low stiffness substrate (3 kPa), and in fibroblasts cultured with medium from stretched cardiomyocytes Adult mouse ventricular fibroblast Collagen I-coated polyacrylamide gel on PDMS membrane Homemade stretch device Static, 3% or 6% uniaxial 24 h and 48 h 10%-FBS Herum et al., (2017)90
Increased proliferation with low stretch+hypoxia (1%-O2), no stretch+hypoxia and low stretch+physoxia (6%-O2) Human ventricular fibroblast Fibronectin Homemade stretch device 1-Hz, 2% or 8% uniaxial 24 h NS Ugolini et al., (2017)87
No change or decreased proliferation Decreased proliferation after 12-h stretch in 10% FBS-containing medium. No change with longer stretch or 1% FBS Foetal RCF Elastin-coated plate Flexercell∗ FX-2000 1.5-Hz, 20% equibiaxial 8–88 h 0%, 1%, or 10% FBS Butt and Bishop, (1997)89
Decreased proliferation after stretch. Fibroblasts stopped at G2/M; increased p21, decreased cyclin-B1 Neonatal RCF Collagen-coated silicone membrane Modified from Lee et al., 1996131 20% sustained stretch 1, 4, 12, 24 h 10% FBS Liao et al., (2004)88
Decreased proliferation by 12-h stretch regardless of ECM substrate. Decrease most marked on randomly organized collagen Neonatal RCF Fibronectin-, laminin-, collagen-coated and uncoated charged silicone elastic membrane Modified from Yost et al., 2000101 0.08 Hz, 5% uniaxial 12 h 10% NBS + 5% FBS Atance et al., (2004)86
Decreased proliferation with high strain (8% stretch) for 72 h Human atrial fibroblast Fibronectin Homemade stretch device 1 Hz, 2% or 8% uniaxial 24 h and 72 h NS Ugolini et al., (2016)92
Decreased proliferation on high substrate stiffness (8 kPa) Adult mouse ventricular fibroblast Collagen I-coated polyacrylamide gel, polydimethylsiloxane membrane Homemade stretch device Static, 3% or 6% uniaxial 24 h and 48 h 10% FBS Herum et al., (2017)90
No change with no-stretch+physoxia (6%-O2) or high-strain stretch (8%)+physoxia Human ventricular fibroblast Fibronectin Homemade device 1 Hz, 2% or 8% uniaxial 24 h NS Ugolini et al., (2017)87
Apoptosis No cell death or apoptosis NRVF Collagen I Flexercell FX-2000 1 Hz, 20% equiaxial 24, 48, 96 h 2.5% FBS Persoon-Rothert et al., (2002)98
No apoptosis Neonatal RCF Rat tail collagen-coated silicone membrane Modified from Lee et al., 1996131 20% sustained stretch 1, 4, 12, 24 h 10% FBS Liao et al., (2004)88
Few apoptotic genes differentially expressed in stretched fibroblasts; >15% apoptotic genes increased in myocyte-enriched fractions NRVF Collagen I Flexercell FX-2000 1 Hz, 20% equiaxial 24 h 2.5% FBS Boerma et al., (2005)99
Morphology Cells elongated, oriented, perpendicular to the direction of stretch Neonatal RCF Laminin-coated silicone elastomer membranes Homemade stretch device 10 cycles/min, 10% uniaxial stretch 72 h NS Terracio et al., (1988)78
Cells rotated to align more perpendicular to the direction of stretch Neonatal RCF Aligned collagen-coated silicone membrane Homemade stretch device 3%, 6%, 12% uniaxial; 0, 5, 10 cycles/min 12 h 5% FBS + 10% NBS Yost et al., (2000)101
Cells surface area increased on all ECM substrates Neonatal RCF Fibronectin-, laminin-, collagen-coated; uncoated charged silicone elastic membrane Modified from Yost et al., 2000101 0.08 Hz, 5% uniaxial 1, 5, and 10 min 10% NBS + 5% FBS Atance et al., (2004)86
Cell margin ruffling, disorganization of long actin stress fibres, retraction of cortical cytoplasm. Effects that are immediate, persisted over time Neonatal RCF Laminin-coated silastic membrane Modified from MacKenna et al., 200076 5% equibiaxial 0, 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, and 40 min 10% FBS + 5% NBS Fuseler et al., (2007)100

ECM, extracellular matrix; FBS, foetal bovine serum; NBS, newborn bovine serum; NRVF, neonatal rat ventricular fibroblasts; NS, not stated; RCF, rat cardiac fibroblasts.


Please note that this company has used both Flexcell and Flexercell as names; we have retained the usage in each paper cited.