Figure 6. AngII infusion impairs microcirculation in the K2KO myocardium.
(A) The experimental design of contrast-ECHO showing 3 phases of the contrast signal: basal stable level, clearance by a burst of high-energy ultrasound beam, and recovery. The rate of contrast signal recovery is correlated with the microcirculatory blood flow rate. (B) Representative contrast-ECHO images showing baseline, burst, and complete recovery phases. Arrows indicate LV wall. (C) Representative data analysis showing cure fitting of a 1-phase exponential decay curve. The recovery rate (blood flow rate) can be estimated by time constant (Tau) of the curve. A higher Tau value indicates slower blood flow. (D) Contrast-ECHO data from Cre and K2KO mice before and after 4-week AngII infusion (n = 5). P(interaction) = 0.0143 by 2-way ANOVA. P value shown is from Tukey’s post hoc test. NS, not significant. (E) The effect of DNase I administration on myocardial microcirculation assessed by contrast-ECHO (n = 5). P value from 2-tailed, unpaired Student’s t test.