Table 3.
The changing nature of death and dying (adapted from Lofland)47
Before 1950 | 1950 | 2019 | |
Level of medical technology | Low | Increasing | High and increasing |
Detection of terminal disease | Poor | Improving | High |
Definition of death | Simple | Still simple | Complex |
Deaths from acute disease (mostly rapid) | High | Still high | Low |
Deaths from injuries (mostly rapid) | High | Still high | Lower |
Deaths from chronic disease (mostly slow) | Low | Increasing | The majority |
Length of dying | Short | Still mostly short | Long |
Passivity in response to a person dying | Common | Decreasing | Gone in western medicine |
Involvement of doctors in dying | Low | Increasing | High |
Number of doctors in UK per 100 000 people | Fewer than 26 | 26 | 280 |
Familiarity with death among the population | High | Still high | Low |
Activities to manage death (death awareness campaigns, advance care planning, assisted dying, etc) | Low | Low | High |
Community involvement in death and dying | High | Falling | Low |
Meaning in death and dying | Mostly supplied through faith and faith organisations | Faith and faith organisations still have an important role | Inadequately supplied by multiple organisations, including the health system |