Table 3.
Summary of the statistical analyses P–values indicating significant (P < 0.05) and non-significant (P > 0.05) results in elements comparing element concentrations in fur and blood between sites and the total fur and blood concentrations. CGF control site; Corea Game Farm; VDM Venetia diamond mine
Fur | Blood | Total | |
Element | CGF~VDM | CGF~VDM | Fur~Blood |
B | P < 0.05a | P > 0.05b | P < 0.05c2 |
Al | P > 0.05c1 | P > 0.05*a | P < 0.05d |
K | P < 0.05b | P > 0.05b | P > 0.05b |
Ca | P > 0.05c1 | P > 0.05*c1 | P < 0.05d |
V | P > 0.05*b | P > 0.05a | P < 0.05d |
Cr | P > 0.05b | P > 0.05*c1 | P < 0.05d |
Mn | P > 0.05b | P < 0.05*c1 | P < 0.05d |
Fe | P > 0.05c1 | P > 0.05b | P < 0.05c1 |
Co | P > 0.05*b | P > 0.05*c1 | P < 0.05*c2 |
Ni | P > 0.05c1 | P > 0.05*a | P < 0.05d |
Cu | P > 0.05a | P > 0.05b | P < 0.05c1 |
Zn | P > 0.05c1 | P < 0.05c1 | P > 0.05b |
As | P > 0.05b | P > 0.05*b | P < 0.05c2 |
Se | P > 0.05b | P > 0.05*b | P > 0.05b |
Rb | P < 0.05c1 | P > 0.05c1 | P > 0.05d |
Sr | P > 0.05b | P > 0.05*c1 | P < 0.05d |
Mo | P > 0.05c1 | P > 0.05b | P > 0.05*b |
Cd | P < 0.05*c1 | P > 0.05c1 | P < 0.05c2 |
Sn | P > 0.05*b | P > 0.05*a | P > 0.05*c1 |
Sb | P > 0.05*b | P > 0.05*b | P < 0.05*c2 |
Hg | P > 0.05c2 | P < 0.05*c1 | P < 0.05c2 |
Pb | P > 0.05c1 | P > 0.05c1 | P < 0.05*c2 |
Since the data distributions were not all normally distributed; where both data sets were not normally distributed, Mann-WhitneyU-test was performed (a) where both data sets were not normally distributed, ANOVAs were used (b) where both data sets were normally distributed, t-tests assuming equal (c1) and unequal variances (c2) were run where one data set was normally distributed and the other was not and a paired Wilcoxon test were run (d) when comparing the fur and blood concentrations of elements that were not normally distributed
*Cannot compute exact p-values with ties (data with the same values)