Fig. 5.
PAI-guided tumour resection in MDA-MB-231 tumour-bearing mice. a Preoperative 3D reconstruction (including axial, sagittal and coronal images) at 2 h post-injection of cRGD-MNPs. Scale bar: 2 mm. b Anatomical US (top) and PA (bottom) images showing the tumour region (dotted orange line) in MDA-MB-231 tumour-bearing mice in vivo. The tissues to be resected (P1–4) is highlighted with a green dashed circle. Scale bar: 2 mm. c Histological images (top) of resected tissues. Scale bar: 2 mm. Enlarged images of regions marked with black boxes are also shown (bottom). Scale bar: 100 μm. d PA and US images of tumour tissues covered by chicken breasts of different thicknesses under 680-nm laser excitation. Scale bar: 2 mm