TBI-induced increases in BBB permeability (Evans blue) and cell death (PSVue794) were reduced by AST-004 treatment. a, b Images of Evans blue or PSVue794-injected mice brains 3 days post-TBI, collected on the Xenogen IVIS system. Epi-fluorescence radiance units are the number of photons per second leaving a square centimeter of brain tissue radiating into a solid angle of one steradian (photons/s/cm2/sr). c, d Histogram plots of Evans blue and PSVue794 fluorescence intensity (arbitrary units) normalized to sham. Size of ROIs indicated with blue dashed circles in sham image panels. Each filled circle in the histogram bars represents a single mouse. Total number of mice used for sham: 9 males, for TBI + vehicle: 10 males, for TBI + AST-004: 9 males