Fig. 10.
Representative photomicrographs of H&E-stained microsections from hippocampal CA1 region (n = 3). Pathological changes are indicated by black arrows in the panel. Slides from (a) normal control rats reveal normal architecture, while those obtained from (b) CUS group display vacuolation and necrosis of pyramidal neurons (VP and NP, respectively) and pyknosis of granular cells (PG). The same findings were almost replicated in (e) BQ-788 + Dapa-treated rats, while both (c) Escita and (d) Dapa show no alterations (400 × , scale bar 50 μm). The pathological scores are represented in panel (f), where data is presented as box and whiskers by median (min−max) and 25th−75th percentile values using Kruskal–Wallis test with Dunn’s multiple comparison post-test; as compared to normal (*), CUS (@), Escita (&), and Dapa ($)-treated groups (p ˂ 0.05). B BQ-788, CUS chronic unpredictable stress, Dapa dapagliflozin, Escita escitalopram