Splicing products of PDE4B, the G allele of rs10889602T/G generates a new SC35 binding site in the third intron. (A) Six isoforms and various types of expressed sequence tags of PDE4B have been reported in the database of the University of California at Santa Cruz Genome Browser. (B) In a 1,000 bp region encompassing rs10889602T/G, ESEfinder predicted either 4 or 5 binding sites for the splicing factor, SC35, with likelihood scores greater than 3.500 for each chromosome. For the chromosome bearing the T allele, from left to right, the scores of the SC35 binding sites were 3.64, 3.80, 4.73, and 3.82, respectively. An extra binding site with the likelihood score of 4.001 was predicted in the sequence containing the risk allele guanosine (B). The suggested threshold of the ESEfinder was 2.383 as shown by the black lines in each plot. ESEfinder, Exon Splicing Enhancer Finder; SC35, serine and arginine rich splicing factor 2.