Table 1.
Search terms for the systematic review
Concept | Free text | MeSH |
Patient activation | “patient* activation*” measure* ADJ5 “patient activation” PAM?22* PAM?13* PAM??13* PAM??22* “Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care*” PACIC* |
Diabetes | Diabet* T2DM T1DM (non insulin* depend* or non insulin depend* or non insulin?depend* or non insulin?depend) IDDM or NIDDM or MODY T1D or T2D |
exp Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/or exp Diabetes Mellitus/ or exp Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1 exp diabetes insipidus |
Prediabetes | Pre?diabet* Borderline ADJ3 diabet* Impair* ADJ3 glucose “Non-diabetic hyperglyc?emi*” Glucose ADJ3 intoleran* |
exp Prediabetic State/ or exp Glucose Intolerance/ |
Obesity/Overweight | Obes* Overweight “over weight” Body ADJ3 weight “body weight” Adiposit* Weight adj3 (gain* or loss* or chang* or control* or maintain* or reduc* or manag*) Bmi or body mass ind* |
exp Obesity/ OR exp Overweight/ OR exp Body Weight/ OR exp Adiposity/ or exp body mass index/ |
Heart disease | Heart* OR cardiovascular OR coronary OR cardio* OR cardiac* |
exp Heart Diseases/ OR exp Cardiovascular Diseases/ exp Coronary Disease/ OR exp heart failure/ |