Figure 3.
Objective response rate in participants in the pooled pembrolizumab population by TMB ≥175 mut/exome and <175 mut/exome. (A) ORR in the overall population and by tumor type. Tumor types are presented in order of descending median TMB; for a listing of tumor types included in the ‘other’ category, see online supplemental table S2. (B) Participant-level TMB scores in responders and non-responders overall and by tumor type. Tumor types are presented in order of descending median TMB; for a listing of tumor types included in the ‘other’ category, see online supplemental table S2. The center line represents the median, the box limits represent the upper and lower quartiles, and the whiskers represent the maximum within 1.5×IQR from the 75th percentile and the minimum within 1.5×IQR from the 25th percentile. (C) ORR in the overall population by PD-L1 expression status. (D) ORR in the overall population by MSI genotype. HNSCC, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; MSI-H, microsatellite instability high; mut, mutations; NSCLC, non-small-cell lung cancer; ORR, objective response rate; PD-L1, programmed death ligand 1; TMB, tumor mutational burden; TNBC, triple-negative breast cancer.