Photomicrographs of articular cartilage from different
groups. The capital letters refer to H&E staining, and
the corresponding lowercase letters refer to Mallory’s
trichrome staining at a magnification of 10×.
(A and a) are examples
from the healthy control group, (B and
b) sham group week 2, (C
and c) OA group week 2, (D and
d) sham group week 4, (E
and e) OA group week 4, (F and
f) sham group week 6, (G
and g) OA group week 6, (H and
h) sham group week 8, and
(I and i) OA group week 8.
(c) = chondrocytes; (d) = deep zones; (f) = vertical
fissuring; (m) = mid zones; (n) = necrosis; (p) = bone
plate; (s) = superficial zones. Stars and arrows are used
to point out the changes in the matrix staining and the
articular surface, respectively.