The mean protein occupancy (IPOD‐HR occupancy) was calculated over WT EPOD locations that contain prophages (41 EPOD locations). As in Fig
2D, the blue dots denote the median and the black line displays the interquartile ranges in each condition. The dashed pink line represents the WT median. (*) indicate significance assessed via a Wilcoxon rank‐sum test comparing the change in pseudomedian versus WT for each condition (against a null hypothesis of no difference in medians), after application of a Benjamini–Hochberg correction for multiple hypothesis testing. The smaller horizontal line denotes the same comparison between the D.S. conditions. Q value < 0.05 = *, < 0.005=**, < 0.0005=***. Data were averaged across 2 (
dps), 3 (WT,
hfq, WT DS,
dps DS), or 4 (
stpA/hns) biological replicates.