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. 2022 Jan 17;9(1):e34103. doi: 10.2196/34103

Table 2.

Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) model comparison results.

Model LLa χ2 Kb dfc SRMRd RMSEAe CFIf TLIg ΔAICh ΔBICi
Correlated factors –37047 807 73 278 .034 .048 .967 .962 0 0
Bifactor –37196 1070 78 273 .046 .059 .951 .942 306 331
Second Order –37285 1209 59 292 .049 .062 .943 .936 448 380

aLL: log-likelihood.

bK: number of parameters.

cdf: degrees of freedom.

dSRMR: standardized root mean square residual.

eRMSEA: root mean square error of approximation.

fCFI: comparative fit index.

gTLI: Tucker-Lewis index.

hΔAIC: difference in the Akaike information criteria between the model and the best-fitting model.

iΔBIC: difference in the Bayesian information criteria between the model and the best-fitting model.