Table 2.
Model | LLa | χ2 | Kb | dfc | SRMRd | RMSEAe | CFIf | TLIg | ΔAICh | ΔBICi |
Correlated factors | –37047 | 807 | 73 | 278 | .034 | .048 | .967 | .962 | 0 | 0 |
Bifactor | –37196 | 1070 | 78 | 273 | .046 | .059 | .951 | .942 | 306 | 331 |
Second Order | –37285 | 1209 | 59 | 292 | .049 | .062 | .943 | .936 | 448 | 380 |
aLL: log-likelihood.
bK: number of parameters.
cdf: degrees of freedom.
dSRMR: standardized root mean square residual.
eRMSEA: root mean square error of approximation.
fCFI: comparative fit index.
gTLI: Tucker-Lewis index.
hΔAIC: difference in the Akaike information criteria between the model and the best-fitting model.
iΔBIC: difference in the Bayesian information criteria between the model and the best-fitting model.