ArcN AngII suppresses tonic PVN NPY sympathoinhibition in female rats. A, Representative experiments showing that blockade of PVN NPY Y1R increases LSNA (right, 60 min after ArcN nanoinjections of aCSF). However, 60 min after ArcN AngII, the increases in LSNA were similar following nanoinjections of BIBO3304 (middle) or ArcN aCSF (left). B, Grouped time course data. The solid arrows represent the time of PVN bilateral injections of BIBO3304 or aCSF, 60 min after ArcN nanoninjections of AngII or aCSF. Open circles: ArcN AngII + PVN aCSF (n = 4); gray closed circles: ArcN AngII + PVN BIBO3304 (n = 4); closed black squares: ArcN aCSF + PVN BIBO3304 (n = 4). Thus, the sympathoexcitation induced by blockade of PVN NPY Y1R was prevented by prior administration of AngII into the ArcN. C, Statistical comparison of data 60 min after ArcN injections (just before PVN injections) and 90 min after ArcN injections (30 min after PVN injections); *p < 0.05 compared with preinjection (60 min after injection of AngII or aCSF at time 0); †p < 0.05, at 60 min, values for ArcN aCSF + PVN BIBO3304 are less than for ArcN AngII + PVN aCSF and ArcN AngII + PVN BIBO3304. Error bars represent SEM.