Fig. 4.
NC compromised the DNA repair capacity of resistant cancer via Rad51 abrogation. (A) SN38-NP showed the ability to inhibit DNA repair pathways in resistant cells after Pt(IV)-NP treatment. Cells after drug treatment were lysed at the predetermined time points for western blot analysis. Densitometric parameters were quantified by using ImageJ software, and the expression curves are shown (right). (B) The expression levels of Rad51, phosphorylated p53 and total p53 in parental A549 and resistant A549cisR cells were examined. (C and D) The inefficiency of Pt(IV)-NP monotherapy in p53 activation and Rad51 inhibition were reversed by SN38-NP through the ATM/Chk2 axis. (E) A qPCR assay for the measurement of other key regulators involved in the DNA repair process