Figure 3.
Synaptic properties and plasticity of hippocampal inputs on PL pyramidal neurons in neonatal CON and GE mice. Ai, Representative image showing ChR2 (H134R; red) expression in a DAPI-stained coronal slice from a P10 CON mouse following hippocampal injection at P1. ii, Schematic of light stimulation of hippocampal CA1 neurons expressing ChR2 (H134R; red). iii, Voltage responses of a ChR2-expressing neuron to light stimuli (470 nm, 5–10 mW/mm2) of 2–500 ms in duration. Bi, Representative image showing hippocampal axons (red) in PL and IL from a P10 CON mouse following hippocampal injection at P1. ii, Schematic of light stimulation of hippocampal axons in PL. iii, Violin plots of eEPSC amplitudes evoked by light stimuli of 3, 5, 10 ms in duration. Data were collected from layer 5/6 pyramidal neurons (n = 24) in PL of CON mice. Ci, left, Representative current responses to light stimulation (blue bar: 10 ms) of HP terminals for a putative pyramidal neuron (red, holding potential of −70 mV; gray, −40 mV, black, 10 mV). The response was abolished by bath CNQX (blue trace). Right, Representative voltage response to light stimulation (blue bar: 10 ms) of HP terminals for a pyramidal neuron. ii, Same as Ci for a putative interneuron. D, Average eEPSC (holding potential of –70 mV) evoked by light in layer 5/6 (n = 24) and layer 2/3 (n = 21) neurons from neonatal CON mice as well as for pyramidal neurons in layer 5/6 (n = 10) and layer 2/3 (n = 8) from neonatal GE mice. Blue bar corresponds to 10-ms light stimulation. Inset, Bar diagram of the percentage of responsive pyramidal neurons in different groups. E, Violin plots showing the (i) amplitudes, (ii) CV of amplitudes, (iii) synaptic delay, and (iv) rise tau of eEPSCs averaged for all prefrontal neurons in CON and GE mice. Fi, Representative current response to pulsed light (8 Hz; blue) of a layer 5/6 pyramidal neuron from a P10 CON mouse. ii, Plot of eEPSC amplitude (normalized to the first EPSC amplitude) in response to 8-Hz stimulation averaged for all prefrontal neurons in CON and GE mice. Gi, Representative response to light stimuli (500-ms interstimulus interval) of a layer 5/6 pyramidal neuron from a P10 CON mouse. ii, Plot of PPR at 125-, 250-, 500-ms interstimulus intervals averaged for all prefrontal neurons in CON and GE mice. Single data points are represented as dots and the red horizontal bars in violin plots correspond to the median and the 25th and 75th percentiles; *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.