Mode | Comparison | All | Up | Down |
Pos | B/A | 5142 | 96 | 129 |
Neg | B/A | 4964 | 91 | 326 |
Pos | D/C | 5142 | 33 | 174 |
Neg | D/C | 4964 | 37 | 302 |
Note: All, all high‐quality features; up, upregulated; down, downregulated; mode, the mode in which the mass spectrometer detects the substance, including positive ion mode (Pos) and negative ion mode (Neg). A: Group A, MC3T3‐E1 cells with mock treatment for 24 h. B: Group B, MC3T3‐E1 with 100 μg/ml ZrO2 NPs for 24 h. C: Group C, MC3T3‐E1 cells with mock treatment for 48 h. D: Group D MC3T3‐E1 with 100 μg/ml ZrO2 NPs for 48 h as group D.
Abbreviation: ZrO2 NPs, zirconium oxide nanoparticles.