Global lung protein changes 24 h post-Br2 exposure. Adult male C57BL/6 mice, 8–10 wk old, were exposed to Br2 gas (600 ppm for 30 min) or air in environmental chambers and returned to room air Twenty-four hours later, their lungs were removed and proteins were processed for global proteomics analysis. A: Venn diagram demonstrating the total number of proteins identified across both groups in addition to those proteins found to be significantly changed following exposure to Br2 (increased vs. the other group). B: volcano plot of the log10(P) value vs. log2 fold change (Br2/air) demonstrating the distribution of the entire data set of proteins with upper limits (above the line) indicating statistically significant changes and outer limits (to the right and left of each line) indicating significant fold changes as outlined in materials and methods under statistics. Note that although fold change is visualized as log2, the cutoff value of ±1.5 was applied to the fold change before logging, thereby yielding the indicated ±0.6 limits. Various proteins that play a role in vascular permeability are identified by the arrows (from Ref. 84).