Fig. 4.
Concordant extrazonal recurrence on MRI and CEUS after MWA in a 54-year-old man with HCV cirrhosis. a) Unenhanced T1 weighted fat suppressed (T1FS) image shows an isointense treatment site (white arrows). b) Arterial phase T1FS subtracted image shows a nodular area of hyperenhancement (gray arrow), inseparable from the posterior margin of the treatment site (white arrows). c) Delayed phase T1FS subtracted image shows washout (gray arrow), corresponding to the nodular area of hyperenhancement seen on the arterial phased image. d) Gray-scale US image, in the same patient, shows a hypoechoic treatment site (white arrows). e) CEUS image obtained 35 seconds after microbubble contrast injection shows a nodular area of hyperenhancement (gray arrow) inseparable from the avascular treatment site (white arrows), equivalent to the arterial phased MR image. f) CEUS image obtained at 2.5 minutes shows definite washout (gray arrow) of the arterially hyperenhancing nodular focus