Fig. 6.
Resolution of the discordant appearance of intrazonal recurrence on MRI and CEUS, after RFA in a 70-year-old man with HBV cirrhosis. a) Unenhanced T1 weighted fat suppressed (T1FS) image shows a mildly hypointense treatment site (white arrows) with curvilinear arrows of hyperintensity at the periphery of the treatment site. b) Arterial phase T1FS subtracted image shows a mildly hyperenhancing nodular focus (gray arrow), within the anterior aspect of the treatment site (white arrows). c) Delayed phase T1FS subtracted image shows persistent enhancement (gray arrow) of the mildly arterially hyperenhancing focus, with no convincing evidence of washout. d) Gray-scale US image shows a mildly hyperechoic treatment site (white arrows). e) CEUS image obtained 30 seconds after microbubble contrast injection shows a nodular area of hyperenhancement (gray arrow) in the anterior aspect of an otherwise avascular treatment site (white arrows), corresponding to the mildly arterially hyperenhancing focus seen on the MRI. f) CEUS image obtained at 3 minutes shows washout of the arterially hyperenhancing nodular focus, in keeping with washout, leaving a completely avascular treatment site (white arrows)